It’s a small connected world, and through the exponential power of the internet and growth of social media, our personal and professional networks have never been stronger and therefore, opportunities for brands and businesses never greater! If you’ve not taken part in your own degrees of separation experiment, then I whole heartedly recommend it! If you’re a twitter user, your degree of separation is narrowed from the well-known ‘six’ to just one!​

The internet has enabled us to make connections with friends and acquaintances in record time, but for brands and businesses to grow their audience and create a community, they still need to demonstrate and deliver value!​

In today’s world, whether you are a start-up biotechnology company or a new fashion brand, the key to being heard is to connect and engage with your audience by providing content that counts. Social media is a communications tool, but it is not the only vehicle for communication. No matter what industry, communications is a strategic process, with many layers to unfold in order to address the core challenge; how you tackle it, comes down to understanding your business and who you aim to reach.​

My connection to SCIAD, stems from long standing relationships with its founders Richard Anderson and Deborah Cockerill, having spent several years working as a team, at a time when the industry questioned whether Novartis would buy Roche, and when more and more biotech companies, became visible, in the right way to pharmaceutical giants, leading to a wave of strategic partnerships that delivered value and opportunity to both sides. ​

I am hugely excited to be working with Richard, Deborah and the SCIAD team. Having been focused on creating campaigns for a diverse portfolio of global healthcare companies and brands, I am looking forward to immersing myself in the biotech world once more, and re-connecting with many more of my old friends and colleagues!​

Whatever your communications challenge, we’d like to solve it. We are experts in traditional and digital media, branding, corporate communications, conference support, thought leadership and ultimately enabling you to connect with your audiences, on the right platform at the right time.   ​

Maria x
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We’re a leading science marketing and communications agency for the life science, biotech, healthcare and engineering sectors. Our talented team of communicators, scientists, marketeers and designers have a shared passion for scientific discovery.

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Photo of Jasmin Shearan