SwissDeCode is adapting its DNAFoil® technology to make more COVID-19 tests available within weeks
The world will never be the same again due to COVID-19, and the spread of the virus is showing little signs of slowing down. How long will it last, when will we know we’ve reached the peak and how can we avoid a second surge? These are the most challenging times many of us have faced in our lifetime.
SwissDeCode is a startup based in Lausanne, Switzerland that delivers rapid DNA testing solutions for the food industry, helping farmers and food manufacturers to grow and produce food that is safe to eat. Today, we’re shifting our knowledge and experience in the detection of viruses and pathogens in plants and food, to create a new test for COVID-19.
The rapid, onsite DNA test, which uses the company’s proprietary DNAFoil® technology, will provide results in 30 minutes and is being developed right now, in the company’s laboratories in Switzerland.
Detecting the virus is a priority even in countries where COVID-19 is already widespread. A lot is still to be learned, but its certain that lives can be saved by increasing testing across the country immediately. Widespread testing is a critical step in our coronavirus defense.
We aim to deliver the final product in the next few weeks and are one of the seven companies shortlisted by the European Innovation Council special COVID-19 group, to pitch to investors on April 15th.
Anyone can join to hear the ePitching on COVID-19 following this link.
15th April 2020 12.00-2.00 pm (CET)
Stay tuned.
Brij Sahi, CEO and Co-Founder
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