London, UK, 8th July 2015 / Sciad NewswireSynbiCITE member Visbion, a leader in biomedical picture archiving and communication systems, has been awarded a grant under the Innovate UK SMART initiative for developing new applications in synthetic biology. The SMART awards are designed to enable British companies to develop new technology which will impact the economy, creating new commercial opportunities and jobs.

Visbion will use its software development expertise to work with scientists and engineers at SynBiCITE, the UK’s national industrial translation centre for synthetic biology based at Imperial College London, to develop a comprehensive web-based system. The system will enable synthetic biology designers easily to search repositories of Bio-Computer Aided Design (Bio-CAD) tools and component parts anywhere in the world for synthetic biology design and manufacturing.

A key problem in designing biological devices and systems is to find appropriate tools and components.  In addition, tools and components are frequently in different databases and formats.   The project aims to develop technology that automatically converts data about components and tools into a standard format allowing easy searching and uniform access. It is anticipated that the new product will meet an important market need and is likely to have international commercial impact.

“We’re delighted that Visbion is going to be working with SynbiCITE”, said Dr John Collins, Commercial Director of SynBiCITE, “as we believe that developing their medical software technology for the benefit of synthetic biology will greatly assist in the design and manufacture of new synthetic biological devices and will enable Visbion to become a major player in this emerging global market.”


For more information contact:

Dr John Collins, Commercial Director, Tel +44 (0) 7876 750 624

Media Relations: Sylvie Berrebi, Sciad Communications Tel +44 (0)7795 197271

David Baker, Chief Operating Officer, Visbion Limited, Tel +44 (0) 370 850 3486


About SynbiCITE

SynbiCITE is a pioneering Innovation and Knowledge Centre (IKC) dedicated to promoting the adoption and use of synthetic biology by industry. The IKC is an internationally recognised lead centre in industrialising synthetic biology research giving the UK a globally renowned national resource of interacting partners from across the UK’s leading academic institutions, industry and business.

SynbiCITE is focused at Imperial College London and is, with our partners, accelerating the commercialisation of world-class science and the emerging technologies encompassed by synthetic biology into new products, tools, processes and services. Our overall aim is to grow UK industry in the sector and improve synthetic biology, using industry to achieve significant economic impact, generate wealth for the companies, generate skilled workers and create jobs.


About Visbion

Visbion specialises in medical image management and display solutions. The company has extensive experience in interfacing medical imaging equipment from a large variety of vendors and provides software and hardware solutions for the acquisition, storage, archive and display of a wide range of medical images. Visbion has developed specific products for the Healthcare, Veterinary and Life Sciences markets, based on a common technology platform that provides a proven, highly-scalable and high functionality basis for the Visbion product set. In addition, the company’s technology is embedded as the image management system within a number of leading electronic medical record systems and practice management systems provided by other vendors around the world.

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Photo of Simran Purewal