OAKLAND, 9th September 2015 / Sciad NewswireRiffyn, Inc. announced the upcoming beta launch of its experimental design software for quality and collaboration in life science, chemical and materials R&D. Registration for Riffyn’s beta launch is open until September 14th.

Poor data quality, inadequate experimental design tools, and barriers to data sharing are costing tens of billions of dollars per year in irreproducible R&D outcomes globally*. Riffyn’s cloud-based software unites visual design of experiments, real-time data integration, 24/7 analytics and peer-peer sharing to reduce error and accelerate discovery in research and development. Access to Riffyn will be free for both academic and industrial researchers.

“After a year of intensive development, we are thrilled to release Riffyn beta. The software incorporates our decades of learning on experimental design and data integration for life science, chemical, and materials R&D,” said Tim Gardner, Founder/CEO of Riffyn. “There is an overwhelming desire for elegant tools that make data quality and analytics easier and more accessible to R&D professionals. We believe Riffyn delivers quality and analytical insight to its users, and a faster path to reliable, sharable discoveries.”

The company plans to release its beta in the Autumn of 2015. Interested researchers can register their application to access the Riffyn beta software at http://riffyn.com.


About Riffyn, Inc.

Riffyn (www.riffyn.com) provides visual tools to help laboratory researchers design, analyze and collaborate on experiments with uncompromising quality and ease. Researchers can achieve manufacturing-grade performance in their research without the typical cost, complexity and inflexibility associated with manufacturing systems. The company serves global customers from its offices in Oakland, CA and London, UK.

Additional background for journalists

*The cost of irreproducibility in science:

The Economics of Reproducibility in Preclinical Research, PLOS Biology – http://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.1002165

Irreproducible biology research costs put at $28 billion per year, Nature – http://www.nature.com/news/irreproducible-biology-research-costs-put-at-28-billion-per-year-1.17711

NIH mulls rules for validating key results, Nature – http://www.nature.com/news/nih-mulls-rules-for-validating-key-results-1.13469

2014 R&D Magazine Global Funding Forecast – http://www.rdmag.com/articles/2013/12/2014-r-d-magazine-global-funding-forecast

Contact at Riffyn

Timothy Gardner
+1 510 542 9696

Media Contacts

SCIAD Communications:

Deborah Cockerill
+44 7930 317729

Richard Anderson
+44 7973 950376

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Photo of Maria Taylor