Cambridge, UK, 11th May 2015 / Sciad Newswire / Domainex Ltd. today announced that The US and European Patent Offices have now granted Domainex patents US 8,962,609 and EPA 11738026.1 for the first generation of inhibitor compounds in its lead programme targeting IKK epsilon and TBK1.

Domainex is a biotech company developing a pipeline of cutting edge, first-in-class pre-clinical drugs based upon two target families: the challenging pro-inflammatory kinases IKK epsilon and TBK1; and the epigenetic lysine methyl-transferase enzymes.

Domainex recently received an Innovate UK government grant which will enable it to progress the TBK1/IKKε programme to IND-ready status in inflammatory diseases including COPD and psoriasis. The programme is approaching candidate selection and has already shown activity in disease models of inflammation and COPD.

Dr Trevor Perrior, Research Director of Domainex said “These two Patent Offices have recognised that our inventions have given us a distinctive position in this area which we are exploiting, with the assistance of an Innovate UK grant, to develop new medicines. On this basis we anticipate securing additional world-wide intellectual property rights that will further extend our proprietary position

Dr Eddy Littler, Chief Executive Officer of Domainex, said: “We are delighted to have had our first patents on IKK epsilon/TBK1 inhibitors granted in the USA and Europe. These intellectual property rights are central to Domainex’s proprietary position in this area and its application to the treatment of diseases such as COPD and psoriasis which are of global importance and with large unmet clinical need”

Domainex’s R&D portfolio has a focus on targets for inflammation and cancer treatments and the Company is in discussion with potential partners to work with Domainex to take these programmes forward.

Notes for Editor

About Domainex

  • Founded in 2002, Domainex is based in Cambridge, UK.
  • Domainex is a privately-owned revenue-generating company. It has attracted investment from UCLB, the Bloomsbury Bioseed Fund, Longbow Capital, The Capital Fund (managed by YFM Venture Finance), Bury-Fitzwilliam, Juno Capital, and from Takeda Research Investments. The UK’s Biomedical Catalyst, run jointly by the Technology Strategy Board and the Medical Research Council, has also supported Domainex’s work on COPD drug discovery.
  • Major discovery ‘gaps’ exist between the vast amount of genomic information that is now available, the accessibility of the corresponding proteins for use in target validation and drug discovery, and the identification of robust hits in a cost-effective manner. Domainex utilises its proprietary platform technologies in order to solve these challenges, which enables it to tackle exciting but challenging drug targets in order to deliver novel and potentially life-saving therapies for COPD and cancer.
  • Domainex’s discovery platform enables rapid progression of drug discovery projects from novel target through to candidate drug by means of its Combinatorial Domain Hunting (CDH) technology, LeadBuilder virtual hit screening software, and its integrated approach to medicinal and computational chemistry.

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Tel +44 (0)7795 197271

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